Adyn & Adcri'Myay
Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: Adyn
Rank: Caretaker
Gender: Male
Species: Unstable Shifter
Appearance: Cursed with a continuously malleable form, he can only remain in one shape for a day or so before he begins to destabilize again. Typically appears as a humanoid with various features, but is never quite the same.
Personality: Often appearing snobbish and stuck up, Adyn hides behind a mask of arrogance, not wanting or letting others get close to him. He resents his curse, and doesn't like people staring at him. He spends much of his time wallowing in angst, bemoaning his accursed state.
Sponsorlings: Adcri'Myay

Name: Adcri'Myay
Gender: Male
Breed: Geperna/Whorling/Featherdragon/Old World/Danachian/SCD/Iullerbrillan Mutt
Colour: Blue (With red/white points and red stripes)
Size: Medium-Large (15' tall, 30' long)
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Black Fyre, Dark Majyck
Majyck Range: 16'
Manifestation Range: 8'
Personality: It's amazing how well Adcri puts up with Adyn's moods, but he does a remarkable job of it, nonetheless. He is very protective of his caretaker, and if it weren't for the fact that Adyn was unwilling, he probably would have bonded him. As it is, he is Adyn's closest companion and staunchest friend.
From: The Bower