Darkling Dawn

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"So, where are we going to go now that we've graduated from weyrling training, Altair?" Solath glanced at her bond, the Dimar Altair, as he cocked his head, thinking.
"I'm not sure. Sidra's closing soon, do you think they'll let us join the wings when they move to this Maura Lynna Weyr?" He asked the green dragon.
She shrugged, flexing her wings. "We're not exactly normal, are we? Me being able to talk, and you being...well, you."
Altair waggled his ears, the Dimar form of laughter, at that. He flicked his blue spade-tipped tail. "True, but I'm sure there's a place somewhere that would allow us. Where do we start?"
"Aseth said he and T'lem were going to a place called Darkling Dawn."
Altair glanced at the green dragon. "So you want to follow them? Any particular reason?" He asked.
Solath flexed her wings, rising to a sitting position. "Not really, but I heard they have some decidedly odd pairs in their wings. Like one of the rider's supposed to have dragon wings and a tail."
Altair's long, equine-like ears perked up at this. Could it be...
"Let's go there, then." He said.
I thought you'd say that. Solath thought amusedly.