Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: Amaya
Parents: Cotholders
Siblings: none
Gender: Female
Age: 41, 17 at Impression
Hair: Black, usually with various colored streaks dyed in.
Eyes: Green
Personality: Amaya is quiet, and while she doesn't have many friends, she gets along well with most people.
Past: Amaya came from a small cothold on the Southern Continent. She now lives at the Dolphincrafthall, training to be a dolphineer.
Pets: Female amber, Blaza
From: Falas Weyr
Dragon: Green Delpheith
From: Abri

Ciqala watched the tall, black-haired girl from underneath the water. He liked her, she talked to him sometimes. And she had pretty hair.
It was mostly black, but there was almost always at least a few streaks of some other color in it. She said she 'dyed' it every now in then, although why she'd want to kill her hair was beyond the young dolphin.
Today it had dark purple streaks in it. Ciqala decided he liked it.
"Hello, Ciqala." She smiled, holding out a fish in one of her hands.
"Aamayaa..." Ciqala was still quite young for a dolphin, but he liked the the young dolphineer-in-training.
Amaya didn't seem to get along as well with her human friends as she did with her dolphin ones. So Ciqala tried to make up for that by playing with her more.
Maybe they'd even be paired together, once Ciqala was full-grown and Amaya was a full dolphineer. But that was a while away for both of them.
Amaya smiled as Ciqala quickly gulped down the treat, her bright green eyes laughing.
"Aamayaa, come play today?" Ciqala was bored. It had been raining almost non-stop, but the silly humans had stayed inside during all the nice weather. The high waves were fun, and the water drops felt good. He couldn't understand why the humans didn't like rain, after all, they swam with the dolphins all the time. He guessed the humans were just weird like that.
Amaya smiled sadly and shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Ciqala. I think it's gonna rain later." Ciqala snorted. Why should that stop anyone? Amaya didn't notice and kept talking. "And besides, there's gonna be a couple of searchriders coming soon. Apparently they're looking for candidates for Falas Weyr."
"Who wants a drragoon? I'm much better, I can swim!"
Amaya grinned. "I can see that! Maybe the dragons like to swim too! Would you like to play with them?"
Ciqala pretended to think about it. "Noo, I like youu more."
Two large dragons, one blue, the other green, suddenly appeared. Amaya looked up. "Well, those would be the searchriders, then. See you later, Ciqala." With one last pat on his nose, she got up and walked away.

Amaya came back later that day. She was carrying a small, rocking thing in her arms.
"Ciqala, look! I got a fire lizard egg!" Amaya grinned at the rocking egg in her arms.
"What's a fire lizar' egg, Aamayaa?" Ciqala reared up, trying to get a better look. Amaya lowered it above the water so the dolphin could see the egg, where a small snout was already poking out.
"It's a pet, they look like dragons, only smaller. The searchriders said this one was from the FGPC."
Ciqala asked what the FGPC was. "It's where they make a bunch of rare colored flits."
Sure enough, a small amber-colored head was poking out of the top of the egg. Amaya grabbed a fish out of the bucket beside her, breaking it into smaller peices for the fire lizard.
"Aamayaa, what's it's naame?" Ciqala asked.
Amaya paused. "Why don't you decide, Ciqala?"
Ciqala stared at the tiny amber flit. What did the humans call those funny...what are they? Flames! Ciqala had always liked watching the danceing flames that would hurt if you touched them. He was fascinated by them. He noticed the flit was about the same color. What was another word for them...?
"Blaza!" Amaya cocked an eyebrow.
"Don't you mean Blaze?"
Ciqala shook his head, causing tiny waves in the water. "Noo, Blaza!"
Amaya smiled. "Okay, then, Blaza it is!"
"How you get egg, Aamayaa?"
Amaya's face reddened. "Well, the searchriders wanted me to stand..."
"What that mean? You standing right now!"
Amaya laughed. "Right, Ciqala. Anyway, when I turned down their offer, they gave me that egg instead."
The tiny flit was already asleep in her arms.

A few years later...

Ciqala had hardly noticed when the silver-blue dragon had appeared. He only looked long enough to note it's odd coloring, then went back to playing with his family.
He did notice when Amaya came, her face tear-streaked. Blaza, now full-grown, crooned from her shoulder, her eyes whirling.
She looked at him through teary eyes. "Ciqala...I've come to say goodbye."
"The dragon that came earlier was searching. It chose me. I'm leaving for Abri Weyr tomorrow."
Ciqala squeeled worriedly. "Why now? Amayaa?"
She just smiled sadly. "Ciqala, I don't feel like I belong here anymore. You're practically my only friend. I don't think I'm cut out to be a dolphineer."
Ciqala stared sadly. He had noticed that she had slowly withdrawn from the other dolphineers, spending more and more of her time with the dolphins.
She reached down to hug him. "I'll come back, someday..."
She stood up and walked over to where the dragon and it's rider were waiting, and never looked back.

Amaya had barely arrived at the Weyr when Blaza started to hum. She wasn't sure what that meant, but she hurried to find the Weyrwoman. She had just finished filling out the candidate form, when the rider of the mother of the clutch turned and said, "Amaya, can you go to the sands now? The others can show you the way, if you haven't already seen the clutch."
Amaya was confused, but left to find someone who could show her where the sands were. When she got there, she realized what the fuss was about. The eggs were hatching!
The first to hatch was a small blue. He rushed towards one of the male candidates, and they soon left together.
The next to hatch was a green. Amaya held her breath as the dragon looked over the candidates, but it chose a different girl.
The next green to hatch turned out to have a brilliant leaf pattern on her wings. Amaya was starting to think she wouldn't Impress at all.
Another green hatched, the last of the eggs. It quickly Impressed and left with it's chosen. Amaya stared, disappointed. But then the Black dragoness uncovered four more eggs. A brown hatched, followed by a black, the mirror-image of her mother. The female black chose her lifemate, and there were only two girls left.
The largest of the eggs rocked, and hatched into a beautiful gold-green dragon. Amaya hardly dared to hope the dragon might choose her...but it turned towards the other girl.
The last egg was a small one and had only rocked once or twice throughout the entire hatching. Amaya regarded it sadly, sure that nothing would come of it. Perhaps she had made a mistake in leaving Ciqala to come here. If she returned to the DolphinCrafthall, she knew he'd be happy to see her... Having decided that this was the best thing to do, she slowly followed the new riders off the sands.
Or tried to; Uasth intervened at that moment, blocking Amaya's way with her body. She wasn't an extraordinarily large dragon, but Amaya certainly couldn't bypass her. She stopped, confused, and it was then that she heard the quiet voice.
I'd like to swim with Ciqala too, Amaya.
Shocked, she turned to see that the last egg had hatched - into a lovely green, who now watched her, clearly hoping that her chosen would not go. Amaya couldn't have left her then; she ran back to the lone hatchling, beaming. "I don't know whether you'll be able to swim for a while, Delpheith, but we can certainly try!"
From the clutch 1 hatching story.
Amaya smiled and led her green dragon off the sands. "Come on, Delpheith. Let's go home."