Darkling Dawn

Sedona Weyr


Name: Anasita
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 38, 18 at Impression
Family: Father was a Jourenyman Harper, mother is a drudge, no siblings

Appearance: Tall and willowly, she has darkly tanned skin and narrow, golden-brown eyes. Her hair is very long and straight, a dark red-brown in color.
Personality: Daring and as willing to take risks as her dragon, she likes to be the center of attention. She severely dislikes bullies and will gladly chew out someone who is picking on others. She loves children and enjoys teaching them.

Past: Anasita was born in the Harper Hall, to a low rank drudge. Her father could have been any of several Journeymen Harpers who worked at the Crafthall, and Anasita never really knew or cared to know her father. She showed a talent for singing and teaching from a young age and managed to become an apprentice at thirteen, and was a journeywoman by her eighteenth birthday. Shortly after that, she was Searched and taken to Darkling Dawn, where she Impressed Rhuith and worked as a Weyrharper before winding up at Sedona.

Pets: Black runnerbeast mare, Starfall
From: Sedona Weyr
Bond: Green Rhuith
From: Darkling Dawn (OFOB Giveaway)


Name: Rhuith
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Green
Size: 24' long
Parents: Green Bareth x Blue Amichath
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Brave and adventurous, Rhuith fancies herself a hero. She'll go out of her way to help or defend others. She does follow orders, however, and she won't disobey someone in authority. She enjoys both children and music.
Bond: Anasita