Darkling Dawn


Name: Anchek Draia
Race: Phoenix-shfiter
Gender: Female
Age: 56 (12 at bonding)

Height: 5’8
Build: Bulky
Skin: Dark, almost black
Hair: Black, frizzy, very long
Eyes: Red

Appearance: Ancheck can voluntarily take the form of a huge, swan-size phoenix, anytime she likes. As a phoenix, she looks something like a falcon, but with a longer neck and beak and a crest of fiery red-orange feathers on her head. The majority of her body is covered in deep, inky black feathers, though her wings are more of a dark reddish, and her long tail feathers have yellow and orange, peacock-like spots on them.
Personality: Patient and calm, she has a serene air about her and she doesn’t get upset easily. She is something of a loner and doesn’t often hang around others, she’s content just to ride or fly with Yerhinth. She is quite fond of the blue dragon, and the two of them often go out exploring Darkling Dawn, with Ancheck either riding on his back as a human, or flying alongside him as a phoenix.

Bond: Male Blue Yerhinth
From: Mindspace
Pets: Male Grey Fire Lizard, Yari
From: The Healing Den

Name: Yerhinth
Race: Alskyrian Land Dragon
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Color: Blue
Personality: Yerhinth is, like his bond, predominately a loner, though he is a little more outgoing than the phoenix-shifter. He has a keen sense of justice, and he won’t stand for wrongdoing. He kind of fancies himself a hero, but he doesn’t really like sticking around for the thanks and praise afterwards.
Bond: Anchek Draia