Darkling Dawn

Name: Aurima
Race: Avengaean Daemon
Gender: Female
Color: Dark Green/Red
Size: 12' long
Abilities: Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis -- Very strong), Magic Suction, Genetic alteration in Daemon and half-daemon unborn offspring (very weak), Pheremone-based communication, Control icicles!
Personality: Aurima is an extremely possessive dragon, viewing her friends, family, and virtually everything else she holds dear as hers and nobody else's. She is very protective of her friends, stiflingly so, and doesn't like to leave them or share them with anyone else. Despite this selfish attitude, she can be very caring and friendly to the people she likes, but she's about as hard to shake as a leech.
Bond: None
From: Dray (2005 Winter Gather Exchange)