Darkling Dawn

Name: Cathnee
Race: Jaguar-shifter
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Family: Father--C'thu, Mother--Sime, Sister--Shira

Build: Bulky
Skin: Pale creamy
Hair: Dirty-blonde with dark brown tips
Eyes: Brown

Appearance: Tall and somewhat bulky and muscular, she has rather pale, creamy skin. Her hair is pretty fluffy, a dirty blonde in color, while the tips fade into a dark brown. It hangs down just past her shoulderblades when loose. Her eyes are a muddy brown color, and she has a reddish-brown jaguar tail in human form.
Other Form: Like her mother, Cathnee shifts into an erythristic jaguar--a red-furred color morph with brown rosettes. She is a large and strong jaguar, powerfully built, with golden-yellow eyes.
Personality: Very open and accepting, there are few people Cathnee doesn't like, and though she may not get along with everyone, she doesn't have many enemies either. She is brave, sometimes too much so, with a tendency to get into dangerous situations in the wilderness. Most of the time, however, she is a hard-working and responsible girl.

From: Fa's Freehold Event
Pets: Male Spiderweb flit, Attar
From: FGPC Weyrhall
Bond: Blue ice elemental Torqua



Name: Torqua
Race: Ice elemental
Gender: Female
Color: Blue
Abilities: Ice elemental, air elemental, psychic elemental, shape-shifting(wolf), size-shifting (from wolf-to house-sized), talk to animals
Personality: Very brave and courageous, she is an exceptionally caring individual, willing to go to any lengths to help someone in need. She is very logically-minded, never sloppy or careless in her work; she takes everything she does very seriously.
From: Cy Christmas Present
Bond: Cathnee