Darkling Dawn

Sedona Weyr


Name: Hatanath
Species: Pernese Dragon
Color: Blue
Gender: Male
Size: 28.5m
Parents: Gold Alanysath x Bronze Xakyth
Personality: Arrogant and conceited, Hatanath is quite full of himself, but he also idolizes Greillin and pushes her to be her best as well. As far as everyone else is concerned, well...they might as well not try. He is, unsurprisingly, something of a loner and doesn't get along with many other dragons. He fancies himself as good as a bronze and prefers to try to chase golds, though he rarely manages to keep up against the larger dragons. Despite his poor social skills, he enjoys being the center of attention, and he gets irritable when people are ignoring him. 


Name: Greillin
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Family: Parents are Holders; five older siblings

Build: Muscular
Skin: Reddish brown
Hair: Platinum blonde, wavy, to waist
Eyes: Dark brown

Personality: Greillin is well aware of how striking her pale hair is, and she's quite proud of it! Though she's not a typical dainty beauty, she has enough fashion sense to look her best, and takes good care of the clothes she has. She is not a people person and tends to be rude, as she doesn't think before opening her mouth, she just says whatever's on her mind. She can also be rather stingy and doesn't like to help just anyone; she will make exceptions for her friends, though.
Past: Born as the youngest child in a horde of children, Greillin never wanted for company growing up, and as the youngest, she was a little spoiled by her parents. She grew up in a small, scrubland Hold that was focused mainly on raising herdbeasts, though she was never fond of big, smelly animals. She doesn't even have any fire lizards, thinking one would be too much work for a mostly-useless pet.
She was as surprised as anyone else when she was searched, after dragonriders came to visit their Hold. She'd never seriously thought about riding a dragon and was expecting to marry a Holder like her sisters. Still, it was a chance she didn't want to pass up, and is hoping to Impress fairly soon, though she would admit a queen would be better.

Bond: Blue Hatanath
From: Aneris Weyr