Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: Harruarhijeth
Meaning: 'Forlorn Shadow'
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Caretaker: Aseunel

Dam: Gold Kadith
Sire: Male Gold Opasth
Color: Black
Size: Medium (Brown-sized)
From: Draco's Inferno Weyr
Personality: Naive and innocent, he tends to be rude without realizing it, but most people don't mind. He acts cocky and arrogant, but underneath the tough-guy exterior, he's actually a lonely little dragon waiting for his bond to come for him. He's intensely curious and always poking his nose into everything. He has a bad habit of getting into trouble often.
Pets: Bronze Fire Lizard, Aleale
Blue Sky Weyr

What are you doing in here? Are you my bond? ...No, it's not you. Oh well, might as well stay awhile then. So, what did you wanna know about me, huh?
Naw, I didn't bond at my hatching. Not that I have anything against humans, mind you, it's just that my bond wasn't there when I hatched. I figure I may go attend some hatchings myself once I get older. Aseunel says I'll have better luck then.
Aseunel, yeah, she's my caretaker. You know, makes sure I'm fed, oiled, and all that stuff. It's a bit tricky, since she's a dragon as well, but we get by. She's pretty nice, lets me stay up as long as I like, as long as, you know, I don't tell her. Anyway, wanna hear about my hatching?
Yeah, I thought you would.

It was a rainy, overcast day, with more slush on the ground than snow. Kadith was becoming savage in her protection of her eggs, refusing to let even her mate or his rider within the hatching sands. Only the insistence of her rider made her allow the candidates to stand in the hatching sands unharmed.
The eggs were rocking furiously, and one large egg tumbled down and split open. Two bronze dragonets climbed out of the shell and inspected the candidates. The first bronze, a male, trotted among the candidates until he finally made his choice. His twin, a female, was somewhat quicker to decide, and chose not to bond at all, but to stay at Draco's Inferno with her parents.
The male bronze finally made his choice as two more eggs hatched into a green and a female blue. The green took her time, like her brother, and finally settled on a young girl. The other dragon, a bright blue female, refused all the candidates, wishing not to bond. She chose to go with a fox shifter from Shivran Aerd.
More eggs tumbled against each other and hatched, the largest of which yeilded twin reds. The sisters moved towards opposite sides of the sands; one to the females, one to the males. Another egg hatched into a blue dragonet, and he spoke up aloud to his rider. They walked out of the sands together proudly. The last of the bunch revealed a medium-sized male. He stood up and looked among the candidates, but none of them were
his bond.
Crooning in disappointment, he moved over to where the sponsor representatives stood. A large, silver dragoness with feathered wings and a furry crest caught his attention, and he decided to go with her.
Hi. He said to her. My name's Harruarhijeth.
The silver dragon craned her head down to look at the black hatchling and gaped her jaw in a smile. "Hello. My name is Aseunel. I guess I'll be taking care of you then."
Harruarhijeth grunted in reply, then perked up when food was brought to him.

Yep, that was me. Bloody cute little hatchling, wasn't I?
...Fine then, don't answer that.

Search story starts here
Harruarhijeth didn't take long in making his way to Pern, followed closely by Aseunel, naturally. They immediately embarked on a wide-ranged tour of the different Weyrs. Harruarhijeth didn't care for any of them, however. Aseunel began to get exasperated with her charge's finicky nature. "Can't you just hurry up and choose somewhere?" She asked at last.
No. He replied. It has to be just the right place.
He didn't find a place to stand, but he did find a new friend, in the form of a fire lizard. They were visiting Blue Sky Weyr at the time, though it was not to Impress a dragon. The clutch on their sands had already hatched, and the gold who was due to fly next had not yet even flown, so there would not be a clutch on the sands for a while.
However, Harruarhijeth decided he liked the look of their fire lizards, and he quickly made his way to one of the beaches. After several fasle starts and fire lizard scratchings, he managed to come away with a fair-sized egg which, soon enough, hatched into a bronze flitter. He decided to name the male hatchling Aleale. Even with a new companion, though, he still could not decide where to stand.
Finally, when the black began to grow restless, he decided to visit the place where he had hatched, Draco's Inferno Weyr. There lay his answer, seemingly, as he thought: What better place to stand than at the place you were born? Having decided, (at last) and with Aseunel practically beside herself with joy, he had one of the humans sign him up for the bronze's clutch which was hardening on the sands. It looked to be an interesting hatching, at least.
Harruarhijeth is standing at: Draco's Inferno Weyr

Name: Delmah
Gender: Female
Breed: SCD/Wyld Mutt
Abilities: Psionics, Verbal Speech, Healing Majyck, Whyte Fyre (lvl 2)
Personality: Delmah is the quintessential ice queen. She hates everything, from puppies and kittens to babies and sunsets. At least, this is the face she shows the world. Behind closed doors where just Harru' is there to see, she loves a good cuddle and is prone to geeking out about her favorite subjects. Just as curious about things as Harru' but is sometimes just a little too chicken to poke around in places she knows they shouldn't be. She does treasure her quiet time, and woe betide the fool who interrupts her sleep.
Bond: Harruarhijeth