Darkling Dawn

Sedona Weyr


Name: Huennda
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 33, 13 at Impression
Family: Parents are Lord Holders, three younger siblings

Appearance: Huennda is not particularly attractive nor ugly, just plain. She has a tall and sturdy build and dark, frizzy hair that reaches to the middle of her back. Her eyes are narrow and deep blue.
Personality: A calm but reclusive person, Huennda is highly competent but tends to keep to herself. She resents being considered "just" a greenrider and is liable to get into fights if anyone makes a big deal of it.
Past: Huennda is the oldest daughter of a Lord, expected to marry well and run a hold of her own someday. However, when the searchriders came to their Hold and picked her out, her parents were happy enough to send her to Darkling Dawn. They were hoping she'd Impress a queen, but the green dragoness she Impressed was a source of pride as well. She moved back to Pern as soon as she was able and ended up transferring to Sedona Weyr.

Pets: Black male fire lizard, Midnight; Green fire lizard, Lief
From: Tiynarea Weyr
Bond: Green Chassieth
From: Darkling Dawn (OFOB Giveaway)


Name: Chassieth
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Green
Size: 22' long
Parents: White Opazath x Blue Istyth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: A personable and outgoing dragoness, Chassieth enjoys talking to people and has a reputation as a bit of a ditz. She dislikes firestone and prefers to have Huennda use a flamethrower; she is quite good at tracking down burrows and is dedicated to her work.
Bond: Huennda