Kilo & Phaelo
Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: Kilo
Species: Aelith
Gender: Male
Home Biome: Tropical Rainforest
Color: Red Spotted Tabby and White
Personality: An optomistic, happy-go-lucky Aelith, Kilo is very curious and loves to do and see new things. He's quite friendly and doesn't discriminate--he can make friends with just about anyone, though he can be pretty reckless.
Code: XOY Bb DD AA tsts Mm ii ww SS CC WiWi LL


Name: Phaelo
Species: Aelith
Gender: Female
Home Biome: Taiga
Color: Black
Personality: A messy and slobby person, she is not very organized but more intelligent than she appears. She has a keen interest in science and geography. She is also very shy though, and tends to be nervous around new people.
Code: XX BB DD aa Tit Mm ii ww ss Ccc wiwi ll