Milo & Esync
Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: Milo
Race: Desert demon
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Family: Parents deceased, no siblings.

Build: Thin
Skin: Light brown
Hair: Red, to nape of neck, frizzy
Eyes: Dark grey

Appearance: In his human form, which he is often seen in, Milo is tall and slender, a very thin man, but lithe and muscular too. His skin is a dusty, light brown color, while his eyes are a dangerous dark grey. His wild hair is crimson red, kinda longish but not hanging past the nape of his neck, often falling over his eyes as well.
In his true form, a desert demon, he is tall and skeletally thin. He takes the form of a winged humanoid; he has a fair of phoenix-like wings on his back, feathered but constantly flaming. He has glowing, red eyes and bright red skin, while his hair stays pretty much the same, except it's forest green.
Personality: Cynical and sarcastic, he is moody and prone to temper tantrums. He doesn't get along too well with other people, and he's rather antisocial. He's also very proud of his heritage and liable to hurt anyone who badmouths demons; obviously, he has no love of demon-hunters like those who killed his parents. He has a tendency to speak his mind, and he is often bold and blunt, he sees no point in tact. When he can get his temper under control, he is very sophisticated and cultured, calm and cool-headed, but he tends to let his anger get the best of him.
Past: Milo is the son of two demons living in a small village of like creatures. He grew up around others of his own kind and never had a very high opinion of humans, even though he barely ever saw any. When he was just seven years old, he witnessed his parents being killed by an old human man, who he soon learned was a demon-hunter, paid to kill people like his parents and him. This only made him hate humans even more, and as he grew older, he began to terrorize nearby human populations in a twisted sense of revenge. Over the last couple of years, his interest in such activities has tapered off and he's begun to realize that what he was doing was wrong. However, he still has no great love for humans, and despises demon-hunters.
More recently, he has found his way to a place called Darkling Dawn, and while it does have a distressingly large population of humans, they are quite accepting of his kind and he was welcome to stay, provided he caused no trouble. Soon enough, he found a small dragon-like creature wandering around on its own, appearing lost, and taking pity on it, he lead it to his room and fed it, where it promptly bonded to him, to his chagrin. Nevertheless, he named the creature, which he learned was called a dralisk, Roqran, and has kept it as a pet.

Bond: Silver (w/ White and Black points) Esync
Pets: Male Red-White Dralisk, Roqran
From: TSCZ (Birthday Gift)

Name: Esync
Bond: Milo
Gender: Male
Breed: Old World/Danachian/SCD/Iullerbrillan Mutt
Colour(s): Silver (With white and black points)
Size: Medium-Large (20' tall, 40' long)
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Telepathy, and Assisted Fire Breath
Personality: Esync is very different from Milo in many ways. Where the demon is firey and waif-thin, Esync is silver-cool and rather stocky. In personality, too, they almost seem at odds. While Milo is cynical and sarcastic, Esync is often caring and, if not optimistic, content with his lot in the world. This dragon is usually quiet and cool-headed, and takes more then his own survival and well-being into concern when dealing with others. He may look on Milo like one would look on an errant child--with compassion and a bit of pity, but also with a will to help heal and grow.
From: The Bower