Darkling Dawn

Sedona Weyr



Name: M'son (Masonen)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 19, 16 at Impression
Rank: Weyrbrat/Wingrider
Family: Father was a brownrider, mother is a greenrider; no full siblings

Build: Average
Skin: Light brown
Hair: Dark brown, frizzy, short
Eyes: Amber

Personality: M'son is extremely stubborn, determined to prove himself and eager to show off his skills. If Tyrannoth wasn't so reluctant to fight Thread, the pair probably would have been one of the best fighters in their wing. As it is, he tries to make himself useful in other ways. He is friendly and outgoing, capable of getting along with most people, and is generally well-liked.
Past: Masonen was born in a different Weyr, as a result of a flight. He never knew his father, who died in a flying accident when he was quite young, and his mother didn't really want anything to do with kids, so he was raised by a foster mother in the Lower Caverns. He Impressed a fire lizard as he got older and fully intended to Impress a dragon once he was old enough, but that took a lot longer than he anticipated. Though he stood for clutches since he was twelve, he still had not Impressed by his sixteenth birthday, and he eventually decided to try a different Weyr to get away from the teasing of the other candidates.
Thus, he wound up at Sedona, and as he Impressed blue Tyrannoth from the very next clutch, so obviously his plan worked. He got along well with his fellow weyrlings and had no real desire to return to his birth Weyr, so he and Tyrannoth joined the wings as soon as they graduated.

Pets: Green Fire Lizard, Aydena
From: Sedona Weyr
Bond: Blue Tyrannoth
From: Sedona Weyr

Name: Tyrannoth
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Size: 29' long
Parents: Gold Qianith x Bronze Strekith
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Tyrannoth is not the easiest dragon to get along with, especially not with his wingleaders. Quite unlike most dragons, he detests fighting Thread and tries to get out of doing so whenever possible, though M'son is stubborn enough to keep him in the wing anyway. He has a rebellious personality anyway, and is often disagreeable just for the sake of being so, but he is also surprisingly smart and observant.
Bond: M'son