Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: N'than (Nethan)
Race: Werewolf
Gender: Male
Age: 28, 18 at Impression

Build: Thin
Hair: Red, curly, to ears
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Gold
Fur: Solid gold

Personality: He may be scared and unsure since the day he was bitten by a werewolf, but Nethan is nevertheless a kind and accepting person when he tries to be. He finds it easy to like people once he gets past his initial shyness, and he likes to make himself useful, so they'll like him as well.
Past: Nethan was born and raised on Pern, but a few months ago, he was bitten by what turned out to a werewolf which was definitely not from Pern. His Holder parents didn't really know what to do with him, and he decided to leave before he got into trouble with the neighbors. He learned to stay away from people during the full moons and has little trouble staying safe as a wolf now, but he decided a dragon would be a great help and was only too happy to go with the Searchriders when they found him.

Bond: Black Tarak Vulunn
From: FGPC Weyrhall OEM Frenzy

Name: Tarak Vulunn
Meaning: "protector" - Sanskrit
Race: Whorling Dragon Mutt
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Size: Medium-small
Height: 9'8"
Abilities: verbal speech - can speak out loud
              telepathy - can speak mind-to-mind with others
              fire breath - can breath fire
              burning mane (at will) - can control the mane of fire along the neck
              burning aura (at will) - can control the burning aura of magic around their body
              teleportion - can travel/transport others to another location instantly
Personality: Gentle and demure, Tarak can be kind of shy at first, but it doesn't take him long to warm up to people. He's not particularly talkactive or outgoing, and prefers to follow others rather than break the mold. He's quite intelligent and even kind of geeky, with many obscure interests. He does tend to speak without thinking sometimes and tends to be rash and quick to action.
Bond: N'than