Darkling Dawn

Name: Raith (Pronounced like Wraith)
Element: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: Immortal
Residence: The forests around Darkling Dawn
Family: Siblings; Aciron, Olanuh, Ryaan, Okael, Aseunel
Charges: Xylet
Visiting: ??????

Appearance: His emanciated form is almost skeletally thin, and loosely covered with rough, grey-black hide. He is bipedal, with only wings and a pair of hind legs, and he walks upright. His powerful hind legs are thickly muscled, and end in large, dinosauresque feet with large, sharply curved claws. His neck is long and sinous, and a mane of shaggy, shadowy-black hair sprouts from the top of his head to the base of his neck and shoulders, giving him an unkempt appearance. His eyes are blood-red with slitted pupils, and he has a single, short horn on the end of his sharp, narrow snout. His long tail is also tufted with a thick growth of hair like that of his mane. His wings are very large and dark grey; they extend all the way from his shoulders to a short way on his tail.
Personality: Cold and aloof, Raith shuns the company of almost everyone. He's a nightwalker, and prefers to sleep during the day and wander around at night. Obviously, he doesn't meet many people that way, and is inexperianced reacting to other beings. He is often harsh and judgemental, and extremely demanding of those who have his respect. He is naturally suspicious of strangers, and is slow to trust anyone. Bitter and reclusive, he rarely show any emotions, but when he does, they are usually negative ones.