Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: Seda
Parents: Holders (Deceased)
Siblings: Cheney

Age: 42, 15 at Impression
Hair: Red-Brown
Eyes: Green
Personality: Seda is confident and independent, if a little overprotective of her younger brother.
She's also rather mischevious.
Past: Seda's parents were killed when she was nine. Ever since then, she and her brother, Cheney, have been living on their own, taking what they can get from the nearby forest and stealing what they can't.
Dragon: Green Malyjednoeth
From: Opal Moon Weyr

Seda watched the weyrling dragons playing as she thought about what had happened since Cheney had...disappeared. She'd only arrived a sevenday or so ago. She watched as a couple of fire lizards alighted on a nearby branch, a green and a silver. She'd never never seen a silver before, but then again, she hadn't really been here that long. She considered finding one of the many clutches that seemed to be laying around, she decided she wouldn't mind a flit.
She belatedly realized that the two flits were humming. She jumped up, racing to get her candidate robe, hardly noticing the other racing figure behind her.
She arrived at the Hatching Sands with plenty of time, standing with the other candidates that had already arrived. She looked down, already halfway convinced she wouldn't Impress, and no longer sure she wanted to.
However, she looked up as the first egg cracked, revealing a green head. One of the girls rushed up as a canine raced onto the sands and nearly crushed the egg. It was then she realized the green dragon had white wings. She watched as another, normal green, hatched, followed by a bronze, both of which quickly Impressed.
The next egg spawned twin blues, which attacked each other on sight. It reminded her of some of the fights between herself and her own brother, Cheney.
So wrapped up in her memories, she didn't notice when the green dragonet hatched, looking around, seeming upset that not all eyes were on her. When everyone was looking at her, she chirped in pleasure and scrambled for the candidate she'd wanted all along.
Seda! What are you doing, I'm over here! Why are you ignoring me, Seda!? I'm hungry!
Seda gasped as the green toppled her over with a stream of demands. "Malyjednoeth! If you let me up we can get you some food! I promise, no, I wouldn't dream of ignoring you again, I'm so sorry!"
The green seemed satisfied with that answer.
Very well then, I'll forgive you. But don't let it happen again!
With that, she leaped up and headed off the sands, nudging another egg as she did so. Seda, finally smiling, followed Maly' off the sands as other candidates met their bonds.

Seda gasped, out of breath, as she raced back to the Weyr. She was careful to keep a tight hold on the slighty rocking egg in her hands. Although she'd briefly considered finding a fire lizard egg after Impressing Malyjednoeth, she'd never really tried to do anything about it before.
It came as something of a surprise, then, when she'd stumbled upon a gold fire lizard's nest. She quickly ran and grabbed one of the largest eggs, hardly thinking about what she was doing. Maly was growing quickly, already several times larger than she was as a hatchling. Nevertheless, Seda was sure she'd have enough time to care for a flit. Her only worry was whether her demanding green dragon would allow her to have another companion.
Seda smiled, thinking fondly of her small green. Demanding as the little green dragon was, Seda wouldn't trade her for anything. She glanced down at the egg in her hands, as it started to rock quicker.
Malyjednoeth looked up as Seda entered their weyr, grabbing a bowl of meatrolls as she prepared for the new flit hatchling.
What's that? Maly said, rainbow eyes swirling jealously. The green weyrling stretched sleepily, gazing at her bond.
"A fire lizard egg." Seda answered.
I thought you said flits were nothing but trouble? Maly said indignantly.
"Oh, hush." Seda said. They both watched as a golden muzzle poked through the top of the egg, and a large golden fire lizard fell into her arms. Seda grabbed a meatroll and began breaking it into smaller peices, which the gold eagerly gobbled up. The little gold flit yawned, and flexed her wings before settling down to sleep.
Maly stared warily at the hatchling flit.
It's not even a full gold! It's wings are purple.
Sure enough, the golden flit had bright purple wing membranes. Seda laughed, glancing at her dragon. "From what I can tell, gold-purples are supposed to be even better than golds. After all, the senior queen is a Gold-purple." Seda reminded her jealous green.
Hmph. Seda, I'm hungry. Forget about the weird fire lizard, and help your poor, starving dragon!
Seda laughed. "You're
hardly starving, Maly!" She said as she stood up, placing the gold-purple flit gently beside her. "Let's go, then." She followed her insistent green to the feeding grounds.

"C'mon, Cheney!" The speaker was a small, fifteen-turn-old girl with short, light brown hair. She turned to look at her nine-turn-old brother, who was struggling to climb over a large boulder. The pair were out in the forests near their hold, looking for fire lizard eggs. Cheney was vainly trying to keep up with his sister. He had barely caught up to her when she set off again, heading toward a small beach.
"Seda! Wait, hold on!" Cheney called, running to catch up.
Seda stopped and turned to look at him, her green eyes dancing with mischeif. "I told you you should have stayed at the hold." She said.
"But I wanna get a fire lizard." He replied. "A Bronze."
"Well, I don't know if there are any eggs at all around here. If there are none at the next beach then we'll have to turn back." She answered him.
Seda and Cheney had been orphaned when she was only nine, and Cheney was three. since then, they had lived on their own, finding food in the forest and living in the nearby hold. Today they were out searching for fire lizard eggs, Cheney hoping to Impress one. Seda wasn't particularly looking forward to it, it'd just be another mouth to feed.
She looked up at the dark, clouded sky. "Perhaps we should turn back, it looks like there's a storm coming."
Cheney frowned. "Couldn't we just go to this last beach, then go back? Please?"
Seda sighed. "I guess, but we better hurry." They ran to the last beach, surrounded by huge rocks. The waves were choppy from the coming storm. "Cheney, be careful. The rocks are slippery." Seda called behind her.
The sky was gray, and rain was starting to fall. The waves were threatening to flood the tiny beach. Seda climbed over a large, gray boulder, looked up, and realized she couldn't see Cheney anywhere.
"Cheney?" She yelled. The beach was already dangerously flooded.
"Sed-Aaahh!" She climbed over another boulder, and saw that Cheney had slipped and fell into the waves. Worse, he was being swept out to sea!
"Cheney!" Seda yelled, jumping from rock to rock, trying to get near. Cheney's answer was drowned out by a crash of thunder. She slipped, and barely caught on to a rock before she, too, got swept away. She climbed up onto another rock, searching for a sign of Cheney.
Her heart sank. She didn't see him anywhere. She heard something above her, and looked up to see a large chunk of rock crashing down on her.

Seda woke up to a splitting headache and a large, green head staring down at her with swirling yellow eyes. The dragon lifted her head, and gazed toward her rider. The woman came over and knelt by her side.
"Are you alright? You were out for two days." She asked.
Seda sat up. "Yes, I think I'm okay...Where's Cheney?"
"My little brother."
The rider looked away. "We didn't find anywhere else." She said.
Seda stared. It wasn't true, Cheney couldn't be...
I'm sure your brother is fine. She didn't hear the voice out loud, rather, it was in her head.
Seda looked around, before realizing that it was the green dragon talking to her.
"Sopaith's right, he's probably fine. My name's Narize." The woman helped her up.
"Seda." She answered. She told Narize what had happened, still worrying about Cheney.
"If you have nowhere else to go, We could bring you back to Quinalt Weyr with us. Hey! In fact, there's a clutch on the sands. Why don't you stand as a candidate?" Narize said.
Seda gasped. She had never expected to have the chance to Impress. She had always had to take care of Cheney. But now...
She smiled. "Yeah, why not?"

Seda turned away, disappointed. As soon as she had come to Quinalt Weyr, she had found out that there were no candidate spots open. She had come all this way, for nothing...
"I'm sorry, Seda. I didn't know the slots would fill up so quick."
She turned to see Narize behind her.
"It's ok."
"...Sopaith says there's a spot open in a clutch at Opal Moon Weyr, if you want to go."
"Opal Moon?"
Yes. Perhaps you would Impress one of Ariath's children instead. If you hurry, that is.
"Ariath?" Seda looked at the green searchdragon.
"The mother of the clutch. A black, so there's a good possiblity for rares." Narize said.
Seda shrugged. Maybe it would help to keep her mind off of her missing brother, if she went to Opal Moon to Impress.
"Ok, let's go."
Seda? Malyjednoeth stared at her rider. I think I will rise soon.
Seda looked up at her green dragon. She knew this would happen sooner or later. She was just glad Maly' had decided to wait a few years before she chose to clutch.
She stroked the gold and purple fire lizard on her shoulder as Tacita crooned at her owner.
Seda sighed, and answered her dragon. "Alright then. Do you want to rise here?" She asked.
No, I want to go somewhere else to rise. Somewhere far away from here. The green dragon paused for a moment before continuing. Somewhere far away from Vabastusath.
Seda grinned. The eager blue dragon had been pestering her dragon a lot lately, and A'kes was starting to mirror his dragon. She definitely wouldn't mind moving to another Weyr, at least for a little while.
"All right then, where do you want to go. I heard Tiynarea has a shortage of rising dragons right now."
Malyjednoeth agreed, glad to get away from her flirtacious blue clutchmate quickly.