Darkling Dawn

Name: Tiipg
Race: Elemental Dragon
Gender: Male

Element: Spirit
Length: 4 feet
Scales: Blue-toned Silver, Medium-sized
Belly: Green-toned Silver, Tiny

Personality: Tiipg is anything but docile. He's bad-tempered, malicious, and ferocious. He has a mischeivous streak and sometimes terrorizes or manipulates others just because he's bored. He doesn't like other dragons, especially his fellow Spirits, as they think he is unnecessarily cruel. He's quite adventurous, and likes to see new places.
Abilities: Tiipg is able to survive for short periods of time on sleep alone. He breathes it in like air, though it slowly causes the sleeper to wake up, so it never lasts long. He doesn't find it very useful, as the only time it would come in handy would be space, where he's not very likely to come across sleeping beings anyway, so mostly, he just uses it to annoy sleeping humans and cause insomnia.
He can trap others in their own nightmares, another trick he often uses on humans, and he can also physically shapeshift into whatever a sleeping person is dreaming of, for a short period of time.
Another trait, which he shares with all members of his element, is the ability to live in the Spirit Plane, accesible in the real world at stone monuments. As distance varies in the Spirit Plane, he is able to cross great distances, even in space, and sometimes goes to other worlds, like the Citadel of Shadows.
Bond: Three-Headed Male Black Ocht

Tiipg had begun growing bored; the humans at the Citadel were anything but docile, and didn't take kindly to his tricks while they slept. He had to phaze immediately into the Spirit Plane on more than one occasion, just to keep his hide intact. Therefore, he was relieved and excited when he heard that the eggs were hatching. Finally, something interesting!
He was at first surprised by the number of eggs the she-dragons had laid; they had never said anything about that many hydras hatching. But as more and more eggs hatched, he soon got his answer, as several large hydras began to turn on their smaller, weaker siblings and devouring them before looking for their chosen.
He was distracted from the gristly affair when he began to notice something gnawing on his scales. One of the hatchlings, after being beaten away from several of the bonders, had latched all three pairs of jaws onto Tiipg's leg.
You. You taste...prrrrfect. The little creature hissed, still gnawing on his scales.
Tiipg lifted his leg to stare at the creature in disgust.
What are you doing?
Tiipg. I am Ocht. And I hungerrrrrr. The black hydra replied.
With an irritated sigh, Tiipg shook the hatchling off of his leg and stalked off to find Ocht something
else to eat, before he decided to chow on him again.


Tiipg's stats came from Shanie's generator, here.

Chosen: Tiipg
Name: Ocht
Gender: Male
Dam: Lao
Sire: Echothet
Breed: Mix (Whorling/Hath-Hydra)
Abilities: Telepathy, Dark Vision, Fire Breath, Poison
Notes: Ocht is Shadow-Tainted.