Darkling Dawn
My Personas

Name: T'lek (Telekar)
Gender: Male
Age: 38, 19 at Impression
Height: 5'5-Average
Build: Muscular
Skin: Creamy fair
Hair: Black, to ears, straight
Eyes: Hazel Brown
Family: Parents are holders in a small, out-of-the-way Hold, no siblings.
Personality: Cheerful and friendly, very outgoing.
Pets: Purple Myril, Blue Sydius, Black Sanaht
From: Cy Dragonstake

Dragon: Green Neltonath
From: Cincanta Weyr

Telekar sat, surrounded by his three strange fire lizards. The first was a normal blue named Sydius. The other two were a female purple named Myril, and a male black named Sanaht.
He looked up at the three fire lizards in remembrance of how he'd gotten them. A dragonrider had left them, saying he didn't want them.
Speaking of dragonriders...
A blue dragon appeared from between, and spiraled down to the ground as his rider dismounted. The man looked up cheerfully at his small blue dragon and smiled.
"Would you like to stand at Cincanta Weyr?"
Telekar beamed. "Of course!"

Yes, Telekar's story is exactly 100 words long.
It was rather late when Oraenuth's clutch began to hatch, but it was nonetheless welcome, as they had taken so long to harden in the first place. Telekar made his way to the sands with the rest of the candidates as his firelizard flitted around his head.
He watched excitedly as the first egg to be uncovered hatched into a sturdy brown dragonet. He bonded quickly and left with his new rider as several more eggs hatched at once.
A large green and small blue bonded, followed by a second brown. The next batch of eggs to hatch yeilded two blues, a green, and a bronze. Telekar watched the bronze wistfully, but he was well aware that the chances of being picked were slim. The duop of blues Impressed first, and left quickly with their riders-to-be. The green bonded next and left were her lifemate as well.
The bronze looked through the candidates, and Telekar shifted nervously, but the bronze paid him no attention and chose another young man instead.
The gold mother glared at her mate as another blue hatched, but telekar couldn't tell why, as he was not privy to the dragons' conversation. He only realized the blue was a female when her rider called out her name.
The next batch of eggs revealed two greens, twing browns no larger than blues, and a blue dragonet. One of the green was the first to go towards the candidates. Myril, Sydius, and Sanaht flew in circles around her head and began pushing her towards Telekar.
Telekar watched in horror and tried in vain to call his pets off. "Sydius! Myril! Sanaht! Stop it!" Then he heard the quietly amused voice in his head.
I know where he is. When you were born weren't you awed? Hmm, guess not, you three were stomachs with wings, right Telekar?
Telekar gasped in shock when he realised the green dragon
wanted to go to him. Again he heard the dragon's amused voice. Of course! I'm your dragon, after all. I'm Neltonath.
Telekar grinned, finally realising that he'd Impressed. He was a dragonrider. "Let's go eat, Neltonath." And Neltonath agreed that was a very good idea.