Darkling Dawn

Sedona Weyr

Tiseren hated the Tanning Craft. Sure, it had seemed just like any other craft when he first came here four turns ago, but that was before he knew what it was really like. It wasn't because it was hard work (which it was) or he was treated poorly (he wasn't); it was disgusting. First they got the raw hides, still covered in hair--among other things--and it was up to apprentices like him to soak the skin, scour the flesh and fat from it, and scrape the hairs off of the hide. Then it had to be soaked again in a solution of water and animal brains, before being stretched and dried. It was no surprise that the Crafthall was located far away from the rest of the Hold; the smell alone would be enough to make many people nauseous.
It wasn't just the process of tanning itself that made Tiseren want to leave. The Tanner Crafthall was located near Igen Hold, well within the hot desert climate that the region was known for. While the heat made the drying process easier, it only exacerbated the smell. Working with the finished leather was interesting, even fun, but if he never saw or smelled a fresh hide again, it would be too soon, and he was't even a senior apprentice yet.
He had just finished his chores and lessons for the day and was glad to get inside the Hall, the only place with fans and consistently cool air--thank Faranth for Aivas and the technology it helped create! He felt his stomach rumble and was thankful that it was almost time for the evening meal, so he went to wash up beforehand. It wasn't until he came back into the main hall that he heard his fellow apprentices talking excitedly among themselves.
"...four of them outside now. Only blues and greens, though."
"But those make the best searchdragons, don't they?"
"You don't know they're here on Search!"
"What's going on?" Tiseren asked. What had gotten the apprentices talking about dragons?
A lanky apprentice a turn younger than him looked up and grinned. "There are dragons at the Hall, Tiseren! If we're lucky, they're here are Search!"
Tiseren heart just about stopped. Really? Could he be that lucky? "Where are they?"
"Still outside, with their dragons. Thy haven't told us why they're here yet," one of the apprentices said. She had hardly finished when Tiseren bolted out of the room. She sighed. "Sometimes I think that guy doesn't have enough brains to tan his own hide."
The riders themselves looked unremarkable, but Tiseren stopped to look at the dragons. Two of them were fairly average looking greens, but the other two were blues, one with black markings and one with white. "Awesome," he said. He realized all four of the riders were staring at him. "You have to take me with you!" he pleaded. "I can't stand it here."
Tiseren thought one of them was trying to hide a grin as he said, "Well, we are here on Search..."
Perfect. "Please let me stand for the clutch. Shards, I don't even care if I don't Impress, I'll do some other kind of work." He paused. "On the other hand, my father was a rider, so...it might actually work." Not expecting to ever get Searched, and never having known his father, Tiseren had never really thought about that.
One of the searchriders spoke up before he could keep babbling. "Well, fortunately for you, Treth agrees you might be able to Impress."
Tiseren breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. When do we leave?" The sooner he got away from the Tanner Craft, the better.


Name: T'ser (Tiseren)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 26, 16 at Impression

Build: Very tall and slender
Hair: Dark blond, wavy, to nape of neck
Skin: Darkly tanned
Eyes: Blue-green

Personality: Tiseren loves to read and frankly, he would rather be a scribe than a tanner. He is hard-working and respectful enough, and he generally likes to talk to people. He dislikes the desert environment of Igen and hates the tannercraft in general, so he is always trying to find ways to leave.
Past: Born in a very large and crowded Hold, Tiseren was raised by his mother and two older half-brothers. His father was a visiting bluerider, but his mother never really liked to talk about him, and Tiseren never met him. He was always rather frail as a child and tended to stay indoors reading instead of playing. When he was twelve, his mother fell sick and died, and his oldest brother decided to have him go to the Tanner Crafthall in Igen to apprentice. Tiseren was willing enough at first, but once he saw what tanning was really like, he started to hate it.

Bond: Blue Siganth
From: Dark Moon Weyrhold

Name: Siganth
Species: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Size: 28' long
Genetic Code: XGwDF Y rr Bb Hh LL Uu C1C2 T1T2 OO (Ss N1N1) M1M2
Parents: Green Vinyath x Brown Rodith
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: He may seem to be gentle and kind, but Siganth likes to laugh and he's not above making fun of others; T'ser is not exempt from this, and is in fact one of his favorite targets. He is perceptive and a good reader of emotions, so he knows when to let it go. He's attracted to small, speedy dragonesses since he likes the challenge, and he's particularly fast for a blue, so he definitely wins his fair share of flights. He doesn't excel at any one role in Threadfall, but neither does he do badly. He's pretty much an average Thread-fighter, but someone's got to be, right?
Bond: T'ser
If Tiseren told anyone that he wasn't worried about the upcoming hatching, he was a bald-faced liar. The more he thought about it, the more he really, really did want to ride a dragon, and by the time the candidates were called to the sands, he was as eager to get there first as the rest of the boys. He wasn't even bothered that much by the extreme heat of the sands.
The first three eggs hatched, revealing a blue, a green, and a pale brown hatchling who cried out to his rider as he caught his wing on one claw and drew ichor. Tiseren stepped forward hopefully, along with several other boys, but it was Cabaal who the brown wanted, and Tiseren reluctantly backed away and turned his attention to the other dragons.
The blue that had hatched earlier had disappeared from view, but there was a second brown on the sands that hadn't Impressed yet. There was a tug at his sleeve, and he looked down in surprise. The blue hatchling had nibbled at his candidacy robe. "Siganth! Don't rip it!" He didn't know if they would make him pay to replace the robe if it got ruined by a...dragon...hatchling.
He would have sworn the dragon smirked as he tilted his head. Can't be as hard to fix as leather, Siganth quipped.
Tiseren nearly glared at the dragon, but then he realized he had Impressed, and the blue's mind was full of glee, and really, it was just a robe, who cared anyway? And he wouldn't have to go back to tanning!
Not that you're going to get away from working with leather entirely, Siganth pointed out gleefully.
"As long as I don't have to tan the hide," T'ser replied. Fixing rider straps he could deal it, though he wasn't so sure about the blue dragon hatchling now...
Come on, I'm hungry, Siganth said, still far too cheerful. He butted his head gently against his rider's side and told him to follow the other pairs back to where the food was.
T'ser winced and shut his eyes as he saw Siganth move to grab Temath's tail again playfully. As he had expected, a few seconds later there was a roar as the green weyrling whirled and shoved Siganth away. Siganth, if you don't get away from me in one second, I swear I will-
He winced again. Temath must be really upset; her angered diatribe was heard by everyone nearby, human and dragon both. Several of the other weyrlings looked up from bathing their own dragons to stare at Siganth and Temath. T'ser very carefully avoided looking in Aleila's direction; Temath's rider scared him in ways he couldn't quite describe.
As Temath continued to rant, he glanced over to Siganth, who was apparently unconcerned at Temath's anger. Instead, he seemed to be ignoring his clutchsibling, but T'ser knew that he was more amused at the situation than anything else.
T'ser sighed. Siganth, why do you insist on bothering Temath? You know she hates it when you do that.
Because I like seeing her reactions, Siganth replied, almost giggling. Besides, she's pretty when she's mad.
T'ser's hand hit his forehead. How old were the weyrlings now? Almost a year? That meant the greens were going to start rising soon. And apparently, Siganth's idea of flirting was to act the same way with everyone else, by pranking them, only more so. Siganth, playing pranks on her isn't going to make her like you, it's just going to annoy her even more.
How 'bout if I win her flight?
Oh, Shards, T'ser thought. I am going to have to teach him how to flirt. He really hoped Siganth didn't catch her when she rose. He was terrified of what Aleila might do to him.