Darkling Dawn

Name: Utumith
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Caretaker: Ryaan
Dam: Gold Nerissath
Sire: Night Blue Bimarith
Color: Night Blue
Size: 18.3 Meters (As Adult)
From: Weyr Eriol
Personality: Utumith is a bit quiet, but very upbeat and cheerful. He's also mischeivous and a smart aleck, leading to lots of reprimands from his caretaker. He has a kind heart, however, and would never think of seriously hurting someone.
Bond: Male Makanan Esaude Procallan
From: Nidus Avengaea


Move over.
No, you move.
I can't move, dimglow. You're in my way.
Well, your tail's in my face, so hah!
He struggled, pressing against the shell on one side, and his brother's side on the other. He lashed his tail around angrily, and was startled it popped straight out of the shell. His brother's snout soon followed.
He growled. Hold on! Wait your turn.
No fair, I'm first...
No, you aren't. I am.
Are not.

Are too.
Are not.

Are too.
Are n-Oomf!
He and his twin both tumbled to the sand, hot beneath their claws. He snorted at his sibling. Now look what you did. He said reproachfully.
The normal blue ignored his larger twin, making his way over to the candidates. The larger blue just sat and watched him as he bonded a young man named Terrali.
His name is Imututh. The dark blue said smugly as his twin glared over his shoulder at him. He just doesn't want to tell you all that. I am Utumith. I don't want a bond.
He looked up just in time to see his mother blinking in startlement. Well...er...then...go eat. We'll figure out where to send you later.
The night blue grinned, more than pleased to do as she said. He skipped off the sands, paying little heed to his siblings still breaking out of their shells.
He was just finishing up his very first meal when he saw the dragons. Not like him or his parents, these dragons were larger, (One was much larger) and their appearance was vastly different from a Pernese dragon. (Even a handsome, if he said so himself, night blue like him.)
The larger one, gold with black stripes and feather wings, looked him over. Utumith returned the dragon's scrutiny, craning his neck back almost vertically to see the massive dragon's head.
His observer nodded, seemingly satisfied, and crouched in front of the hatchling. His bright, blue-green eyes studied him intently with slitted pupils.
"I am Ryaan." The gold dragon said in a low, rumbling voice. "You and another hatchling are coming with us to Darkling Dawn. You will be staying with me. Understand?"
Utumith nodded quietly, wondering what this Darkling Dawn would look like. He glanced behind the golden dragon, where his companion was having a similiar conversion with a green hatchling. So, when do we leave? He asked cheerfully as he grinned. Ryaan just rumbled something which may have been a chuckle under his breath.

Search story starts here.

Name: Esaude Procallan
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Asandus
Type: Makanan
Height: 0.80m at the shoulder (young); 3.8m at the shoulder (adult)
Abilities: Functional Magic, Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation), Shifting (Asandus-Human Spectrum)
Personality: Extremely upbeat and cheerful, Esaude's kind and playful nature will stick with him for life. He is gentle and sweet-natured, but tends to be shy and a little nervous around strangers, but once he warms up to someone, he is a loyal friend.
Bond: Utumith

I think we've been had. Utumith said grimly when they arrived at Avengaea's Sanctuary bonding complex.
I think I agree. Ulipath replied. Since the last bonding ceremony, not much had happened, and it seemed there would not be another bonding ceremony for a while. So they were left with nothing to do, unless they went home and lost any chance they had of getting bonds.
You know, I almost think Olanuh tricked us on purpose. There's nothin' special here, 'least not right now, anyway.
Utumith rolled his eyes at his sister. Well, He said at last. We've got two choices. We can go home, where there's nothing to do, since we know Okael and Ryaan won't let us bond 'till we're 'adults', He said scathingly, none too pleased with their caretakers at the moment. Or, we could stay here. And wait until the next bonding ceremony. And then we can get bonds! And the others won't be able to do anything, because they won't know!
The night blue was getting excited now, proud of the plan he'd thought up. Ulipath stared at her brother, wide-eyed. Ooh! That'd be nice, Utumith. But won't we get in trouble?
Utumith blinked. So? When has that ever stopped us?
Good point. Ulipath conceded. But we'll have to wait a loooong time, won't we?
I don't care! Utumith crowed. They've got to have another one of those bonding ceremony thingies sometime! And when they do, we'll be waiting for it. And we won't have to listen to anyone or do what they say or anything!
Yay, Utumith!
Ulipath cheered him on.
Her night blue brother swelled with pride. Heh. I told Aciron he'd regret it if he didn't let us bond with the others...

Hee. See? I knew it would pay off eventually.
Utumith and Ulipath had been far from bored during their stay on Avengaea. Surrounded by a gaggle of young Asandus kits at the compound, they made friends easily, and were even given a tour of the city. Now they were at a special dinner, celebrating the fact that they would soon bond. The food was good, despite the short notice and the fact that there were only two candidates, but the two young dragons were quivering with excitement.
At the end of the dinner when their names were called, they both gasped and stood excitedly, but for once, they were both silent as they waited in anticipation. Two Asandus kits slipped from the table, holding bonding scrolls. Videi Avestis was a female Piralan; her companion was Esaude Procallan, a Makanan male. Like Utumith and his sister, the two of them were rarely apart, so their decision now was not too big a surprise.
The Piralan strolled up to Ulipath with a knowing grin on her face. "We know your secret." Videi whispered as Esaude approached Utumith, trying to appear more confident than he actually was.
"And what better way to find out about us, than to bond us and bring us home?" Esaude added with a sage nod. He held up his scroll, and Videi, grinning, did the same.
Ulipath shared a quick glance with her brother before agreeing, You know, you're probably right! The dragonets took the scrolls, and there were two quick, bright flashes of light.
Wow, really. Neat! Utumith exclaimed to the now-smiling Esaude, and the crowd burst into applause behind them.