Darkling Dawn

Rider: V'ru
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 34, 14 at Impression
Rank: Blacksmith/Wingrider

Appearance: V'ru is a comfortable looking man, in that he's solidly built but a little pudgy around the edges. He's got dark brown hair that's braided to his shoulders, usually bundled together to keep it out of his way when working at the smithy. His eyes are a peculiar shade of violet blue, while his skin has seen enough sun to be tanned across his shoulders and arms.

Personality: V'ru is a touch sensitive, given that he seems to get defensive quickly over smaller quibbles. Never the less, when he doesn't feel like he's being confronted, he can be quite clever in conversation, and will sometimes say things that come out of left field and yet are entirely relevant. He's a brave man when put to the test: if somebody or something needs help, he will be the man who is out in the middle of a storm or a fire to rescue them. He enjoys the company of firelizards, and will probably settle on a few of his own -- much like people who collect and dole out love to their cats but can't admit to it on Earth, V'ru vastly prefers the company of flits to humans.

Pets:  Blue Fire Lizard, Sonja; Female Black Flitter, Nara; Male Spiderwebbed Flitter, Curo; Female Green Flitter, Lichen; Male Ghost Flitter, Esperen
From: Falas Weyr; Nidus Corona
Bond: Green Bareth


Name: Bareth
Color: Green
Gender: Female
Species: Pernese/Alskyrian
Father: Bronze Plustith: http://dray.pegaruny.com/Dragons/Dmae.htm#Plustith
Mother: Gold Abeytzith: http://dray.pegaruny.com/Dragons/Terry.htm#Abeytzith
Size: Small
Height@Shoulder: 5'1"
Abilities: Assisted Firebreath, Telepathy, Teleportation
Personality: Though she may have a poor long-term memory, Bareth is extremely focused on whatever she's doing at the moment, and provided it holds her attention, she is very good at working things out. She is quite outgoing and eccentric, even chaotic, at times, but she loves to meet new people and dragons (especially boy dragons!). She's quite amorous and rises perhaps a bit more than her heat cycle would suggest, even for a green...
From: Nidus Corona