Zy'ove Selamputo
Darkling Dawn

Name: Zy'ove Selamputo
Sponsored By: Ny'avabei Selamputo, of Darkling Dawn
Gender: Female
Colour: Copper
Breed: Half-Avengaean Mutt
Dam: Light Copper Fire Ny'avabei Selamputo

Sire: Copper-Brown Earth Zotto Usadah

Siblings: Clutch #27 at Star City
             Half-Human Brother, Na'tan Selamputo 

            Aunae and Naunaat Selamputo
             Clutch 01b at Mirus (Generation Clutch)
Abilities: Full Shifting (very good control--to human, anthro or parental dragon forms), Telepathy
Size: Medium
Height: 15'
Genetic Rating: 5
Cyborware: Zy'ove may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Appearance: Zy'ove has inherited good looks from both sides of the family. She's a striking, coppery red with deep green jewels along her back and sides, (inherited from her father) and golden blond tufts of fur at her elbows, cheeks, and eartips, as well has a wavy mane of golden blond hair. She has a pair of golden hathian horns from her mother's side, just above her eyes, and behind them is a pair of dark green, twisted horns from her father.
In human form, she is petite and pretty, with coppery tanned skin which contrasts nicely with her amber eyes and wavy blond hair.
Personality: Cheerful and outgoing, Zy'ove is a friendly individual, not at all shy or nervous like her half-brother Na'tan, though she's very fond of him. She is sensitive and caring, compassionate of others, and she is very talented at charming others. She can be quite mischeivous and a bit of a tease, but she's very loyal to her family.
Bond: Brown w/ Black and Blue Female, Semoth
Sponsorling: White-Green Karsahmta-leidra


Name: Semoth
Gender: Female
Color: Brown (With black and blue points)
Abilities: Psionics, Fire Breath, Vocal Speech, Voice Boosting, Charm
Personality: Semoth is a very mellow dragon, laidback and easygoing, but she is very intelligent and sensible as well. She has an outgoing and flirtacious personality, like her bond, but she is often calmer and more down-to-earth.
Bond: Zy'ove Selamputo
From: Darkling Dawn Giveaway