
Darkling Dawn

Sunstone Weyr

Stats Acarien: Hatchling
Search A'cel: Hatchling Weyrling Adult
R'lic: Hatchling Weyrling Adult

Acellan looked up as his blue fire lizard, Vyli, began to hum. Once he realized what it meant, he rushed out with the rest of the candidates, heading to the hatching sands while he struggled to pull on a white candidacy robe.
He stood in a loose semi-circle with the other candidates as he watched the rocking eggs, fervently hoping one of them would be his.
The first to hatch was a light brown, a good omen for the hatching. Acellan watched the dragon hopefully, but he was making no move to bond, and he turned back to the eggs with disappointment written on his face as a blue and a green appeared. The blue chose quickly, followed by his green sister, and they left the sands happily with their bonds.
The next two eggs also held a blue and a green, but these two were considerably darker, which Oriluth at least seemed to think was his doing. Nevertheless, the dark green walked to her choice, running into the last unhatched egg on the way.
The dark blue had moved towards the male candidates, and he stopped in front of the astonished Acellan.
A'cel, I'm hungry! Oririth complained, and A'cel rushed to reassure his dragon. He smiled as he realized he had Impressed, and led his dark blue away to be fed.