Acarien, A'cel, and R'lic
Darkling Dawn

Search Acarien: Hatchling
A'cel: Hatchling Weyrling Adult
R'lic: Hatchling Weyrling Adult

Name: Acarien
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Family: Twin, Acellan
            Father: Wingleader
            Mother: Junior Weyrwoman
            Foster Mother

Height: 5'8-Above average
Build: Really skinny
Skin: Creamy fair
Hair: Sandy, to high back, straight
Eyes: Light blue

Goal: To have children
Fear: Heights
Pets: Ivory Cinettai Maeri, Female
Tiyaza Citadel
Dragon: Green Ytaia

Name: R'lic (Ralic)
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Family: Father: Wingsecond (Brownrider)
           One younger sister

Height: 6'6-Very Tall
Build: Average
Skin: Olive Tan
Hair: Black, to midback, loose braid
Eyes: Blue

Goal: Impress a dragon
Fear: Tunnelsnakes
Pets: Sandstone flit Crysa, Female
Dragon: Blue Ivalith
Name: A'cel (Acellan)
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Family: Twin, Acarien
            Father: Wingleader
            Mother: Junior Weyrwoman
            Foster Mother

Height: 5'11-Tallish
Build: Thin
Skin: Creamy fair
Hair: Sandy, to ears, straight
Eyes: Light blue

Goal: To Learn
Fear: The Weyrlingmaster
Pets: Blue Flit, Vyli
Dragon: Blue Oririth