A'ran and Ceissa
Darkling Dawn

Stats Hatchlings Weyrlings Adults

"Adiran! Come on!" Adiran looked up, brushing his brown bangs out of his eyes. Ceissa, an old friend of his, was running along the beach.
"What is it?" He shouted back to her, marking his place in the book he'd been reading. He set the book down, stretching as he stood up.
Ceissa laughed, running up to where he was. "Dolphins!" She said, eyes shining excitedly. "There are dolphins out there. Come look!"
Adiran eyed the beach nervously. "Ummm, I don't think so. I don't like water, remember?"
Ceissa rolled her eyes, turning back to the shore. Further out, there was a pod of dolphins, jumping and chattering  to one another as they raced through the sea.
Adiran watched them for a few minutes, from his vantage point far from the edge of the beach. He shook his head as he glimpsed Ceissa sitting down by the beach. She was getting up, probably to try to convince him to go down there. Adiran saw her stumble over something in the sand, and he stood up, running down to see what was the matter.
Twelve small, mottled eggs lay nestled in the sand of the beach. Adiran knelt down, carefully picking up one of the fire lizard eggs. It was warm, and very hard, close to hatching. He looked up, searching for the mother of the clutch, but no adult fire lizards appeared.
Ceissa picked up a small egg, packing it carefully into the sack she carried with her. "Ceissa, what are you doing?" Adiran asked.
"Well, we can't just leave them here!" She answered. "They'll get eaten!"
"Umm...I don't think we'll have to worry about that..." Adiran said. He glimpsed something moving towards them.
Nevertheless, he picked up one of the eggs, careful not to break it, and started running to catch up with Ceissa. Looking back, he saw a gold fire lizard curled around the nest, hissing in agitation.
"Well. Let's
not do that again, shall we?" He said.


Almost a sevenday later, the fire lizards hatched. Adiran looked up at the egg, perched haphazardly on the edge of his bed. He picked up, to move it to a safer place, when it shook so violently, it almost jumped straight out of his hand!
Realizing what was happening, he set the egg down on his bed, and rushed to get something for the hatchling to eat. He grabbed some fish and a couple meatrolls, and raced back to his room.
A creeling, jet-black flit lay on his bed, surrounded by broken eggshells. Adiran rushed to the hatchling, cramming fish into it's mouth. The hatchling gobbled the food down, and immediately fell asleep in his arms.
"Adiran!" He heard someone yelling at him from outside. He raced out, to see Ceissa, cradling a sleeping green flit in her arms.
He grinned. "I guess yours has hatched too, then?"
Ceissa nodded. "C'mon, Adiran! Where's yours?"
He led her up to his room, where the black flit was still asleep on his bed. He brushed aside the broken shards of the egg, muttering, "I need to clean up this mess..."
Ceissa stared at the black fire lizard. "A black? Lucky you..."
Adirna cocked his head thoughtfully. "Well, we were near Falas at the time...maybe that had something to do about it."
"What's it called?" Ceissa cut in.
"What? Falas, I just said that."
"No, not that, dimglow! The fire lizard!"
Adiran grinned sheepishly. "Oh, that...Well, I haven't named him yet."
Ceissa nodded thoughtfully. "He looks like a Cidan."
Adiran grinned. "Alright then, Cidan it is! What about yours?" He asked.
"Senih." She answered.



A sevenday later, Ceissa ran up to his house again. "Adiran!" She yelled. "Dragons! There's going to be a search!"
Cidan was still fast asleep on his bed, so he left a meatroll for the baby flit when he woke and left to meet Ceissa. "What took you so long?"
Adiran shrugged, not answering. "Where are the dragons?" He asked.
Ceissa pointed to his left. "Why, do you think you'd get searched?" Ceissa snorted.
Adiran grinned back. "Maybe. Maybe not." Actually, he'd always dreamed about getting searched for a clutch at Falas, but he didn't think he'd ever actually get searched.
He laughed. "Besides, if I got searched, they'd have to take you too, just to keep me out of trouble."
That can be arranged.
Adiran jumped in fright, startled to hear a voice in his head. "Did you just hear that?"
Ceissa rolled her eyes. "No...Oh, great, Adiran's started hearing voices. That can't be good." She said jokingly.
I'm not a 'voice'. I'm a dragon, Siyeth.
It was Ceissa's turn to jump. A large blue dragon suddenly appeared in front of them.
But as I said before, we can take both of you if you want.
Adiran's jaw dropped. "What, you mean, we've actually been searched? Both of us?"
The blue dragon nodded, and Adiran grinned.
I take it that means you accept?
"Of course!" Adiran and Ceissa said as one.
"Great then. Run home to tell your parents and gather your stuff together, and me and Siyeth will wait here for you."
Adiran jumped again, not noticing that the dragon's rider had appeared. "Gah! Would you stop sneaking up on us like that?"
The rider looked sheepish. "Sorry."
Adiran couldn't answer, as Ceissa was already dragging him away, so they could pack and leave as soon as possible.