Naidri'gal Selamputo

Darkling Dawn



Name: Naidri'gal Selamputo
Going With: Ny'avabei Selamputo
Gender: Female
Species: Mutt (Flurrier x Cayleni x Piralan Asandus x Hathian)
Parents: Ny'avabei Selamputo
x Shameless Falsetto
Siblings: Na'tan
            Aunae and Naunaat

            Clutch #27 at Star City
            Clutch 01b at Mirus (Generation Clutch)
            Clutch 03d at Nidus Avengaea (Copper Frenzy)
Color: Red-Sunrise
Adult Size: 4.6m at the shoulder (Medium-Large)
Personality: Naidri'gal takes more after her big brother Na'tan than the rest of her outgoing family, and she practically hero-worships him, following behind him and Rimaerten whenever she can. Around others, she tends to be quiet and introverted, not contributing much to conversations, though it's obvious she listens. She is calm and mild-mannered, with a quiet sort of confidence that shows itself most when she dances. And anyone who thinks dragons can't dance has never seen Naidri'gal; it's one of her great loves in life.
Abilities: Psionics (Teleportation), Fire Breath, Vocal Speech, Create Fire, Control Small Reptiles, Rhythm.
Pets: Male Night Flitter, Gartinu