Darkling Dawn

Stats Story Hatchling Adult

It is autumn now, nearly a turn since the hatching that made Ru a rider again. He stands beside Oroth, leaning slightly against the brown's side and taking some comfort from the dragon's presence. Soon, though, they have to follow their instructor's directions, and Ru steps back, leaving Oroth alone with the other weyrling dragons ready to take an important test. Their first flight.
Xue hovers nearby, turning circles in the air, as though telling Oroth to follow his lead. Below, Ru smiles and reminisces.

"You know, they say, if you really love something, you're supposed to let it go. Then, if it comes back, it's yours, for keeps."

The falcon, which he had named Xue, was almost healed. The wing which had been broken was mended now, and he realliy didn't even need to keep the bandage on any longer. Since Ru's voluntary exile from his home, the falcon had been his one and only steady companion, no matter the strange looks he got for carrying a bird of prey around on his shoulder.
The bird was restless, however, that much was clear. Even now, he ruffled his feathers and craned his head to look up at the sky. It seemed there was a look of longing in his fierce eyes, though Ru knew that was only his imagination. Still...
He couldn't put it off any longer. The falcon no longer faced him with beak and claws when he tried to approach, and he even alighted on Ru's arm while he untied the band holding the injured wing to the bird's side. Warily, Xue eyed the freed wing before spreading it out experimentally. It must have sufficed, for the falcon flapped his wings in preparation of flight, and Ru gave him a shove with his arm. The falcon took off; he soared through the air easily, as he had been born to do. Slowly, a little reluctantly, Ru smiled, and he turned his back on the soaring falcon, sure he would find his own way from here.
It was only a few hours later when Ru decided to camp for the night. His arm seemed unusually light without Xue's weight upon it, but he tried not to notice it as he went to sleep.
He woke up the next morning, greatly surprised to see a very familiar white falcon on a low tree branch above his campfire, standing guard over him.

Look at me, Ru!
Oroth's voice echoes excitedly in Ru's mind. The dragon has lifted off the ground, and hovers ackwardly in the air. Experimentally, he flies in a loose, shaky circle, before the Flight Instructor's bond calls him back to the ground. He lands clumsily, legs and tail sprawled all over, but his eyes shine excitedly as he rushes over to receive praise from his bond.
The Flight Instructors said I had to come down because I was still too young to stay in the air for any longer. But I did it!
Ru smiles. "You'll get better at it as you get older, Oroth." He says simply.
Yes. Oroth's bulk is a reassurance beside him. And next time, you'll be with me.