Search Story
Darkling Dawn

Sedona Weyr


What's that stuff, S'var? Blue Refinterth asked his bond curiously as he strode into the weyrling's weyr they shared with another pair. S'var looked up from his glass and smiled.
"It's wine. Nothing you'd like, I'm sure, Refinterth." He said with a laugh.
Really? You think so, S'var? 'Cause it sure smells really good...
S'var had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at loud. "Trust me, Refinterth, you would not enjoy alcohol."
They were both distracted by the sounds of squabbling from outside, and S'var's eyebrows furrowed as he stood up. "That sounds like Ahvel and Saceko. Hold on, Ref', I'll be right back." S'var left to find his bronze and blue fire lizards, leaving Refinterth alone in the weyr.
The blue weyrling eyed the half-full bottle of wine of the nearby table shiftily. Throwing a last glance towards his rider, who was quite busy trying to pry to the two fire lizards apart, he smiled secretly and stretched his neck over to grab the bottle's neck in his mouth. Craning his neck back, he tipped the contents of the bottle into his mouth.
Refinterth blinked. Hey! This stuff actually tastes pretty good! He continued to gulp down mouthfuls of the liquid while S'var didn't notice.
The next morning, Refinterth groaned as he climbed out of his bed. He shook his head slowly and winced, which only made his headache worse. S'var grinned smugly and snorted. "Serves you right. I told you you wouldn't like it."
Shut up.
