D'cien & V'nen
Darkling Dawn

Search Hatchlings Weyrlings Adults

V'nen yelped from his position on the cold stone floor of his weyr. "Sternth!? What're you doing?" He screeched at the small blue dragon.
Sternth's eyes whirled innocently as he stared down at his rider.
Sitting...Is there a problem?
V'nen's brown eyes rolled as the sixteen-turn-old glared up at his dragon. "Yeah...You're sitting
on me!"
The dragon paused, considering this. He shifted his hindquarters, causing his rider to grimace.
True...I repeat, is there a problem?
V'nen clenched his teeth. "Sternth...Quit playing around! What do you want?"
Ah! Now we're getting somewhere. What do I want, indeed... The blue dragon said cryptically.
At the same time, V'nen's brother D'cien entered with his blue dragon, Snith. "What does who want-V'nen?" The rider looked down at his brother, clearly very amused at the spectacle of a dragon sitting on his brother.
V'nen just glowered. "How should I know what he's doing? I'm just his rider, no one of importance." He said sarcastically.
Okay, okay, I'll get up. The blue dragon said, and paused. But first...
V'nen sighed. "Well?"
...Well, see, there's a lovely, purple tiger-striped dragon named Miowieth rising at Dragonwillow. I want you to take us there and sign me up.
V'nen groaned. "Sternth, I can't... I'm too young! I'm only sixteen!"
Well, see, the beauty of it-aside from Miowieth's stunning beauty, that is- is that Miowieth's rider, Liadana, is also sixteen.
V'nen paused. "Really?"
D'cien's blue, Snith, chose this moment to interrupt.
Isn't it rather undignified for a dragon such as yourself to be sitting on your rider, Sternth? Snith must have taken pity on V'nen. I mean, what would Miowieth think?
Sternth snorted.
Once we arrive at Dragonwillow, I will be a perfect gentleman. I'm not a dimglow, Snith.
"Sternth..." V'nen groaned. "Could you
please get off of me now?"
The blue blinked in surprise.
Oh! Of course, sorry V'nen. He said sheepishly as he climbed off his rider.
Hmm...Snith eyed his own rider. Speaking of rising females...You want to go to Danach?
D'cien stared up at his own blue nervously. "Snith...?"
I hear they have very lovely drago-er, forests, on Danach.
"Somehow, I don't think forests is what you originally meant to say, Snith." D'cien said dryly.
...Her name's Maoith, she's a lovely jade green dragoness, absolutll beautiful. Snith said, sighing contentedly, and causing his rider to choke back a laugh, which in turn, caused Snith to glare at the eighteen-turn-old. Well, since sitting seemed to work so well for Sternth and V'nen... Snith threatened.
D'cien stood up. "Come on, Snith. Let's go get signed up for Maoith's flight, then." He said hurriedly as he rushed out of the weyr. Sternth and Snith rumbled in laughter as they watched their riders.